Today, while we were waiting in line for our bagels, she went and picked a table out for us all by herself. (It was two feet from where I was standing). Then, I went to get my Diet Coke and Dani says to me , "I stay here, mom." She stayed at the table and waited for me to get my coke and bring it back to the table, grinning from ear to ear.
Last night while I was at Bunco, I received a phone call from Dani that she had peed and pooped in the potty. She was very excited. This morning when she got out of bed, she peed in the potty. So after grocery shopping and bagels, we took a trip to one of my favorite stores. When Joey was about 2 1/2 years and we were in this store baby shopping for Danielle, he fell in love with a dinosaur bank. I bought it for him. Totally by fluke, the next day we began potty training with it. He got to "feed" the dinosaur each time he went on the potty.
It worked so well for Joey. (Mike and I gave him about $100 in change!) I explained it to Dani this morning and showed her Joey's bank. So we went to pick out a bank for her. Here she is with her new kitty bank that she chose all by herself. As soon as she got home, she pooped in the potty and got to "feed" her kitty! Hopefully, this will continue as I know she is very young to potty train.

I am enjoying my kids being a little older and a little more independent. They can play together now, have conversations now, wrestle (usually initiated by Dani), and walk without a stroller or being held. However, part of me is sad to be leaving the baby days behind. There is nothing better to me than a little cuddly snuggly cooing baby. Luckily, I have several friends still having babies, so I can always snuggle with their little ones.
If you would like to contribute to the Danielle potty fund, please email me for our address! just kidding! Wouldn't you know that I would have children that want money and are not thrilled by the stickers or M&Ms most mommys hand out for going in the potty??!
Cole still gets jelly beans when he poops. The jar of jelly beans we got is almost empty, so I'll have to break the news to him that he's big enough to go poop without them! lol
Well, just to prepare you, they don't grow out of it either. My prefer money for everything as well. I mean, EVERYTHING!! At least you found something that works though.
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