Being a stay at home mom, I don't know why I cannot find the time to update more often; I am here all day just watching TV and eating chocolate, right? WRONG! So wrong!
We started a new schedule at the beginning of 2009 and the kids and I are still trying to adjust! We were so used to leisurely mornings,and now we have places to be at least three, sometimes four mornings a week. I know, don't you all feel sorry for us? This is quite a change for me as it means my babies are growing up and have lessons and activities.
So our schedule is now like this:
Monday morning - gymnastics (both kids)
Tuesday morning - swimming lessons (Joey)
Wednesday - usually a free day HOORAY!
Thursday morning - MOPS (mothers of preschoolers)every other week
Friday morning - preschool (Joey)
Let me just say that I am not good at change! This is our third week into our new routine. It is certainly better than the first two weeks that were filled with morning tantrums trying to get everyone out the door.
My favorite incident: I needed to put stuff in the car and warm it up, so the kids stayed in the house. Dani was having a HUGE fit! When I came back inside to get the kids, Joey tells me that he had told Dani to be quiet and she hit him. I told him that was terrible! Joeys says, "So I told her, 'Danielle, in this family, we don't hit! So I hit her back!" All I could do was laugh. He has the basic concept but the urges of a four year old to reciprocate in kind. No harm done and we were soon on our way!
So, let's see. Here are some recent photos. The first is Dani and her Godmother (and cousin)Claire. We went shopping one day when Claire was home from college on Christmas break.

The next photo is Dani with one of her favorite characters, Bob the Builder. Hey, if anyone sees any Bob the Builder stuff let me know. All I can find these days is Handy Manny, which my kids don't watch. When Joey was little, we had a lot of Bob the Builder clothing, shoes, etc. I gave them away when he outgrew them and now I am kicking myself because Dani loves Bob!

Finally, a big step for Mommy. Dani got her first hair trim. She had lots of wispy little hairs everywhere that would not stay put and she was starting to look like she had clown hair. I took Joey to get his hair trimmed (he did not want it cut short, says it keeps his head warm!). While we were there, I asked Dani if she would also like to get her hair cut, and she said yes. So here she is with our stylist, Carol. Dani just sat there and didn't move. Don't you just love the pacifier in Dani's mouth?

We hope all of you and your families are doing well. Keep in touch! We love hearing from everyone.
Hey thanks for the special update for me !! You are busy. Wait till the kids are in school and then see how much time they take. I'm so glad you are giving Joey swimming lessons. This from a person who is very fearful of water. Thanks again and have a good day..
So nice to see there is life out there. I know it gets hectic. But wait till you are my age and no kids and you wonder why you dont get anything done anymore. You need those kids to keep you on your toes so that the work gets done.
Sounds like you are very busy these days. Gymnastics and swimming are excellent activities to get the kids into.
Have a fun, busy week!
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