Wow! The month of October flew by! With the excitement of Dani breaking her leg, I never even posted anything about the wonderful family vacation we took to Pensacola Beach, FL at the end of September. We drove down and rented a house close to the beach. We all had a wonderful and relaxing time!
A few weeks ago, Thomas the Tank Engine came to East St. Louis (over by the Casino Queen). I purchased tickets online as a surprise for Joey. The four of us went over on a beautiful Sunday and got to ride, in Joey's words, "the REAL Thomas!". Both Joey and Dani enjoyed the train ride. Mike and I were disappointed that there wasn't a little more to do. The kids could play with legos, get a tattoo, listen to a story, and that was about it. There were long long lines everywhere you turned and this event was held on a gravel lot. Of course, there was a huge tent set up so you could purchase every Thomas item known to man!
Halloween was lots of fun. Joey was a dinosaur and Dani was a dalmation. Above is a photo of them with some of their buddies.
October also included a trip to Thies Farm where we enjoyed their Pumpkinland and a hay ride. We also drove to Grafton, IL to go to Eckert's Farm for apple picking.
Yesterday, Dani's cast came off. She has had it a month. This is the only time she has cried while at the doctor's office. The saw that removed the cast was loud and scared her. Once the cast was off, she kept touching her knee and saying "hurt hurt". Because her knee has been immobile for a month and in a bent position, the doctor said that it would be sore until she got some range of motion back in her leg. She is now sporting a black velcro boot that goes up to her knee. It can be removed for sleeping and bathing. So far, she wears it to bed. It still hurts her too much to be without the support of the boot for long. She will wear the velcro boot for a month before going back to the doctor.
Well, that's it for now. Everyone keep in touch!
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