HAPPY EASTER 2009! Yes, Joey and Dani have been to visit the Easter bunny. No, Easter decorations have not made it up at our house yet. The Marchand family will be having Easter lunch with us on Sunday, so I have until then to get the baskets and eggs out, right?
This week has already been full of Easter festivities. Monday, the kids and I met some friends at a local historical house where we got to see a puppet show, pet a bunny, visit the Easter bunny (again) and make a craft.
Tomorrow we're off to a local farm where we will visit and pet baby bunnies, chicks, pigs, play in a hayloft, watch a dog show and visit the Easter bunny (again!).
I am quite excited about something happening at our church on Good Friday. We have a special guest coming; Mike Lewis, the Jesus Painter. You can google him and see his work. He does a huge portrait of Jesus in 20 minutes. At 4 1/2, Joey is very interested in art and so I am excited that Joey will be able to see an artist in action. If you are in the area, come on over for church with us at 7 pm.
We had snow a few weekends ago. I was so thankful it was on the weekend. Anyone that knows me knows that I am a summer girl; so thankfully Mike was home to take the kids out to play.
There was a celebration at Mike's work site last Saturday for the opening of a new research facility. The children had a great time enjoying bounce houses, balloon animals, face painting, and train rides. Joey wanted me to be sure and put on our blog a photo of him with his face painted as a skull.

Joey is in his 4th session of gymnastics this year and Dani is in her 3rd session (she sat one out due to her broken leg). Both of them really enjoy it and are gaining so much self confidence. Here is a photo of Dani hanging from the rings with her instructor by her. We will be taking the summer off to relax, but if the kids want to, I will sign them up again in the fall for the next year of gymnastics. Joey's class has a spring performance in May and I am excited to see that. I do not get to watch Joey in his class because it is the same time as the class Danielle is in and her class requires parent participation.
May Jesus bless you as this Easter season. I hope everyone is able to spend time with their family and friends.